On Day nine we all went outside and gathered some extra dirt and pill bugs. We also cleaned our fish, but we clean the fish everyday by rinsing it off.
Dr. Samantha Kyler
12/2/2013 11:57:43 pm

Taylor, make sure you read over your posts before submitting them. I noticed that this entry was cut off. What are the pill bug's role in your biome? What type of ecosystem is your biome? I would like to see a lot more information in each of your blog posts from now on.

Dr. Jaime Mayweather
12/2/2013 11:59:11 pm

What exactly did you clean? Is gathering more critters all you did that day? I would like to see you explain more when you post.

Dr. Chin
12/5/2013 06:42:18 am

What is the most surprising thing you have learned so far?

Dr. Cynthia Sanders
12/5/2013 08:23:27 am

I am curious as to why you are cleaning your fish everyday. How would this process occur in a natural setting?


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